
Atorex Atomization Devices

For intranasal and laryngotracheal mucosal delivery of liquid solutions

Rapid Absorption
Creates a suspension of tiny particles that are rapidly absorbed
into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes.
Painless and Safe
Needle-free delivery eliminates the risk of accidental needle sticks.
ease of use
Ease of Use
Can be used in any position and without sterile technique.

Watch the video to see how Atorex devices are simple to use

Brochure, prices and ordering information

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ATOREX Intranasal mucosal atomization device

ATOREX provides safe, easy, and fast delivery of medications to nasal mucosa. A fine mist of atomized particles are rapidly absorbed across mucosal membranes into the blood stream.

It reduces the need for intravenous access that can often be painful and upsetting for the patient.

Delivery of atomised medication is also relatively painless and requires minimal caregiver training.


Brochure, prices and ordering information

Atorex Lt

ATOREX LT Laryngo-tracheal mucosal atomization device

ATOREX provides safe delivery of topical anesthesia directly to the airway mucosa. A fine mist of atomized particles is rapidly absorbed across mucosal membranes into the bloodstream.

It reduces the need for intravenous access that can often be painful and upsetting for the patient.

Delivery of atomised medication is also relatively painless and requires minimal caregiver training.

ATOREX allows for increased patient compliance during difficult and awake intubations.

ATOREX reduces airway and cardiovascular responses to mechanical stimulation permitting less stressful intubation and extubation.

Brochure, prices and ordering information

Tutte le informazioni contenute in questo sito web non hanno valore contrattuale. Riguardano dispositivi medici che possono essere utilizzati solo da professionisti del settore sanitario. Gli operatori/enti non qualificati non sono autorizzati a utilizzare tali informazioni. Deas non risponde a richieste di informazioni tecniche o commerciali provenienti dai pazienti. Le immagini dei prodotti sono solo a scopo illustrativo e possono differire dal prodotto reale. Le immagini del prodotto sono solo a scopo illustrativo e possono differire dal prodotto reale.







